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Soube recentemente que a Associação dos Artesãos de Porto Alegre não aceita associados que utilizem carimbos (tão em moda ultimamente) ou estêncil nos seus trabalhos, porque isso "descaracterizaria" a peça como artesanal.
Eu não concordo com isso, porque a criação artesanal é algo que envolve muitos fatores e na minha opinião não é apenas o uso de determinada ferramenta que define algo como artesanal. Aliás, pretendo postar algumas coisas sobre esse assunto (o artesanato) para que a gente possa discutir.
Por essa razão, decidi colocar uma enquete no meu blog, para saber a opinião de vcs, pelo menos se concordam ou não com a prática da Associação dos Artesãos citada acima.
Thanks to welcome all to my blog!
I recently learned that the Association of Artisans of Porto Alegre will not accept members who use stamps (so fashionable lately) or stencil in its work because it "mischaracterize" the play as a craft.
I do not agree with that, because the creation craft is something that involves many factors and in my opinion is not only the use of any tool that defines something as a craft. In fact, I intend to post some things about it (the craft) so that we can discuss.
For this reason, I decided to put a poll in my blog to hear from you guys, at least if they agree or disagree with the practice of the Association of Artisan cited above.
Thanks to welcome all to my blog!
I recently learned that the Association of Artisans of Porto Alegre will not accept members who use stamps (so fashionable lately) or stencil in its work because it "mischaracterize" the play as a craft.
I do not agree with that, because the creation craft is something that involves many factors and in my opinion is not only the use of any tool that defines something as a craft. In fact, I intend to post some things about it (the craft) so that we can discuss.
For this reason, I decided to put a poll in my blog to hear from you guys, at least if they agree or disagree with the practice of the Association of Artisan cited above.
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