Olha aí o cachepô que prometi ontem! Ficou tarde e não gosto muito de usar o flash à noite. Bem, chega de conversa fiada e vamos falar do cachepô. Pintei o interior e a borda com tinta acrílica cor lilás e a parte externa com tinta acrílica cor pérola, que eu gosto muito. No interior salpiquei bolinhas. É um perigo, pois eu gosto demais das bolinhas e se deixar coloco bolinhas em tudo! Optei pela cor verde para combinar com as folhas do buquê.
Este cachepô vai ficar na janela da minha cozinha, mas para clientes que irão colocar a peça sobre um móvel de madeira, faço o acabamento da base com feltro, numa cor que combine com a estampa. Aliás, eu gosto muito de usar o feltro. Em todas as minhas peças de madeira há feltro na base. Protege a superfície onde vai estar, fica muito bonito e mais bem acabado. Se ainda não experimentaram, experimentem. Valoriza a peça e dá um up ao seu trabalho, pois o capricho é tudo!
No corpo do cachepô, além da estampa principal apliquei 3 buquezinhos menores que recortei da barrinha do guardanapo.
Vejam agora o interior do cachepô e o mesmo com as violetas.
Até a próxima (ainda hoje!!)
Look around the cachepô I promised yesterday! It was late and did not really like using flash at night. Well, enough talk and let's talk about cachepô. I painted the interior and the edge with acrylic exterior and purple color with acrylic pearl, I like a lot. Inside sprinkled beads. It is a danger, because I like too many balls and put balls to leave at all! I chose green to match the leaves of the bouquet.
This cachepô will stay in my kitchen window, but for customers who will put the piece on a wooden furniture, I finish with felt base, a color that matches the pattern. In fact, I like to use the felt. In all my pieces of wood is felt at the base. Protects the surface where they will be, it is very beautiful and more polished. If you have not tried it, try it. Values the piece and gives an up to his work, as is the whim all!
In the body of cachepô, besides the main pattern applied less than 3 buquezinhos cut out of the small bar napkin.
See now the interior of cachepô and even with the violets.
This cachepô will stay in my kitchen window, but for customers who will put the piece on a wooden furniture, I finish with felt base, a color that matches the pattern. In fact, I like to use the felt. In all my pieces of wood is felt at the base. Protects the surface where they will be, it is very beautiful and more polished. If you have not tried it, try it. Values the piece and gives an up to his work, as is the whim all!
In the body of cachepô, besides the main pattern applied less than 3 buquezinhos cut out of the small bar napkin.
See now the interior of cachepô and even with the violets.
Until next time (still!)
Until next time (still!)
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